Introducing Serptracker
We’ve been quietly beta testing a new product since May and it’s about time to pull back the curtains. The SERP/Keyword Positioning business isn’t a new one, but with the bigger players moving away...
View ArticleNotifications and Email Reporting come to Serptracker
I’m happy to announce the release of a few new exciting features for Serptracker! There’s a new notification and email system in place starting today that will help keep you in tune with your websites...
View ArticleA long time coming, Serptracker goes live
Well, we’re finally here. It’s time to put an end to the beta period and open the doors for Serptracker. I started development on Serptracker in May of 2012 after my own frustration with keyword...
View ArticleSerptracker 1.2: Smarter, better data on competitors
Have you checked out Serptracker yet? We’ve just updated the features to bring you enhanced ability to track your status on all of the major search engines. We’ve even added some brand new...
View ArticleSerptracker: The Easy Way to Track Your Search Rankings
How can you monitor where Google, Bing, and Yahoo rank your site? Do you know how often it changes and the highest it has ranked? When users search for your keywords, who else are they seeing? You can...
View ArticleAre social signals important to you?
What Are Social Signals? And Why Should You Care? A social signal is when someone interacts with your web page, brand, or company in a social way. This might be clicking “like” on your Facebook page,...
View ArticleYou’re Wasting Your Time Creating Infographics.Try This Instead…
Awhile back I came across an article by Neil Patel that stuck out in my mind. In a nutshell, he basically said you will get better engagement and a higher ROI if you spend your time creating free tools...
View ArticleRJ Metrics Sneaky SEO Growth Hack With Exact Match Landing Pages
SEO Growth Hacking With Landing Pages I discovered RJMetrics, the purveyor of a fine-looking suite of business intelligence and analytics tools by accident. One day I was Googling the term “churn...
View ArticleWhy The “Apology” Email Is A Powerful Conversion Tool
Mistakes happen. No matter how many times you proofread and test your marketing emails, there is always going to be one that slips out the door with a missing link or wrong information. Your boneheaded...
View Article5 Killer Conversion Tactics Straight From Warrior Forum
For those of you unfamiliar with the Warrior Forum (acquired by, its a rather large (ranked #263 globally according to Alexa) ecosystem of people from around the world who, by and...
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